Center for Maxillofacial Trauma

Maxillofacial trauma center is highly equipped to provide care to the patients with facial injuries caused by road traffic accidents, fall, sports or assault. Facial trauma may present with skin lacerations, fracture of jaw bones, fracture of cheek bones (zygoma), nose, periorbital bones, frontal bone and other cranial bones. Facial injuries are complex and are often associated with injuries to other vital organs, hence it requires a multidisciplinary approach. Along with the maxillofacial surgeons the center has highly trained clinicians who specializes in traumatic injuries including neurosurgeons, orthopedic surgeons, plastic surgeons and radiologists.
The center has access to resources such as an operating room, resuscitation area, laboratory, and variety of highly specialized diagnostic equipments. It one of the few multidisciplinary hospitals having 24hrs on call oral and maxillofacial surgeons in Mysuru.
On reporting to the hospital, the patients are triaged into various zones by our emergency medical department. Patients with extensive injuries are managed in ICUs for round the clock care by the specialized nursing staff. Maxillofacial surgeons work along with pediatricians for the management of injuries to children of various age groups. Patients often suffer from psychological issues due to facial injuries hence proper rehabilitation is provided to restore the normal function and esthetics. The surgery is done via minimally invasive procedures. The center is capable of providing the best cosmetic and functional results to the patient.